Posts Tagged ‘Dolly Tree’

Dolly Tree: A Dream of Beauty Digital Sampler

July 4th, 2017

Here is my digital sampler for my new book Dolly Tree: A Dream of Beauty due at the end of September 2017.

The illustrated biography of the Jazz Age costume designer Dolly Tree with over 600 images and available in hardback, paperback and ebook formats.




The cover the illustrated biography of the Jazz Age costume designer Dolly Tree

The cover the illustrated biography of the Jazz Age costume designer Dolly Tree



Dolly Tree: A Dream of Beauty Press Release

Dolly Tree died 55 years ago on this day 17th May 1962

May 17th, 2017

55 years ago on this day, 17th May 1962, Dolly Tree, the internationally renowned Jazz Age costume designer, died in obscurity in a psychiatric hospital on Long Island, New York. A sad and tragic end to a brilliant career.

Dolly Tree: A Dream of Beauty Book Cover

Dolly Tree: A Dream of Beauty Book Cover

Brenton Film – about London’s Hollywood

April 9th, 2015

Extensive feature about Gary Chapman and the creation of the book London’s Hollywood from the brilliant online resource Brenton Film

Click here to read


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Dolly Tree and Alfred Hitchcock’s The Lodger (1926)

March 16th, 2015

Did the famous dress-designer Dolly Tree make an appearance in Alfred Hitchcock’s The Lodger? On watching the film closely (once again) I saw something that had not registered before – a rather tantalising and interesting visual connection.

The mannequin parade (shown twice) was filmed at the Islington studio in June 1926 and all the gowns, estimated to be worth £10,000 at the time, were supplied by Peron Couture. The proprietor Jean Peron arrived in person at the studio to supervise the scenes. Since Dolly Tree was chief designer, and by some accounts an investor in Peron Couture, it is highly likely that the gowns displayed were created by her. I have placed this side-story in context of the making of The Lodger in my book London’s Hollywood.

Interestingly, one of the models, in the first dress parade, who proceeds Daisy (June Tripp) descending the stairs to the onlookers, was a striking lady wearing an elegant two-piece suit, smoking a cigarette and with slicked-backed dark hair.


One of the models in the mannequin parade from The Lodger (1926)

One of the models in the mannequin parade from The Lodger (1926)



There is a photograph of Dolly Tree wearing the exact same suit and photographed at exactly the same time. Her hair is bobbed but another photograph from the same shoot shows her with slick-backed hair.

The resemblance to the known photo of Dolly Tree in the suit and the mannequin on screen wearing the same dress is quite uncanny. Could it be that she was also supervising the models with Peron in the studio and was asked to be one of the models? She of course knew Alfred Hitchcock as they had worked together on Woman to Woman in 1923 and prior to her career as a dress designer she had been an actress so the connection is quite plausible.

Thus, it might be likely that not only did Hitchcock himself have a cameo appearance in The Lodger but also Dolly Tree.

However, herein also lies another interesting conundrum about the dates for the filming of The Lodger and the controversy that ensued as Balcon attempted to get the film released. Filming had been conducted over a six-week period and was completed by the end of April 1926. Thereafter, the film had been cut and assembled for a private viewing and, as we know, C.M. Woolf, the distributor, did not approve and wanted to shelve the film. But Balcon, with the help of Ivor Montague, made revisions to the footage. Since the mannequin parade was filmed in June, this must have been one of the ‘new’ and ‘major’ additions, that swayed Woolf’s opinion to finally schedule a release.

For more information about Dolly Tree click here

The ‘lost’ British silent film Woman to Woman

July 11th, 2014

Considered to be one of the most important ‘lost’ British silent films, Woman to Woman (1923) was directed by Graham Cutts for Balcon-Saville-Freedman.

The American actress Betty Compson was the star and here she is in her stunning ostrich-feather dress designed by Dolly Tree composed of over 200 ostrich feather plumes and 1,000 pearls.

Betty Compson in the 'lost' British silent film Woman to Woman (1923)

Betty Compson in the ‘lost’ British silent film Woman to Woman (1923)

Filmed at the Islington studio in the summer of 1923 it had an estimated budget of £40,000 and when released was thought to be an outstanding British silent film and called a triumph.

Perhaps most poignantly the film did ‘one important thing astonishingly well – it forever blasts the delusion that a production, technically perfect, cannot come out of a British studio’.

Cutts liked music in the studio and was pleased that Betty was not just a tireless worker but also a wonderful violinist. She spent most of her time when she was not working playing the violin in a little orchestra, endeavouring to act as an inspiration to her director. The three-piece orchestra (piano, cello and violin) was there to aid Betty’s acting for she was incapable of registering emotion without the aid of it. Throughout the production the orchestra would play specific tunes such as ‘Mighty Like a Rose’ and then she could cry. But it didn’t go down well with Michael Balcon, who would wince whenever he heard the tune thereafter!


London’s Hollywood: The Gainsborough Studio in the Silent Years 

will be published 15th July 2014

A detailed look at the British Silent Film industry with this first ever evaluation of the history, output and achievement of the most iconic film studio in England during the silent era. 

Available in the following formats:

Hardback, £27, ISBN 9781909230132
Paperback, £14.99, 
ISBN 9781909230101
From The Book Depository (hardback)
From The Book Depository (paperback)

Amazon Kindle ebook, £8.99, 

ISBN 9781909230125
Apple ebook, £8.99, 
ISBN 9781909230118
(Through Apple / iTunes – search for title on iTunes bookstore)