Stars of the British Silent Screen

Stars of the British Silent Screen by Gary Chapman

The first ever study of British silent film as seen through the lives and achievements of its glittering array of stars.

For decades British Silent Film has been neglected and misunderstood. Thankfully, in recent years there has been a resurgence of interest and a major re-evaluation of its importance. This book is designed to follow this trend but for the first time presenting an accessible, general, non-academic overview. This is also a new vision with the theme of examining British silent film through the key performers both male and female. The book will have a general introductory chapter examining trends and themes leading up to around 1930 and the introduction of sound. This will include the evolution of specific companies and directors, the tradition of stage stars becoming film stars, the influence of America and a discussion of the meaning of the star system. The bulk of the book will be personality led with at least forty entries. Each biographical sketch will include, where possible, life histories, comments from interviews, a career discussion and descriptions of key roles in key films, plus photographs.

Some of the stars featured include: Gerald Ames, Marie Ault, Betty Balfour, Clive Brook, Jack Buchanan, Hilda Bayley, Estelle Brody, Fay Compton, Gladys Cooper, Ivy Close, Mary Dibley, Ivy Duke, Josephine Earle, Isobel Elsom, Henry Edwards, Mary Glynne, Lilian Hall-Davis, Violet Hopson, Marjorie Hume, Benita Hume. Isabel Jeans, Gladys Jennings, Matheson Lang, Herbert Langley, Flora Le Breton, Malvina Longfellow, Miles Mander, Mae Marsh, Victor McLaglen, Joan Morgan, Owen Nares, Guy Newall, Ivor Novello, Mary Odette, Mabel Poulton, Stuart Rome, Madge Stuart, John Stuart, Alma Taylor, Malcolm Tod, Queenie Thomas, Henry Victor, Warwick Ward, Chrissie White and Valia.

  • There is a resurgence of interest in silent film and British Silent film.
  • The Artist has ignited a new awareness in silent film.
  • The recent Hitchcock season, orchestrated by the BFI, has focused on his early silent work,
  • This is a totally unique concept and nothing like it has been published before.
  • This is the first examination of the stars of British silent film.
  • Accessible, entertaining and informative.
  • Introductory chapters look at the evolution and development of film making in the UK.
  • Includes biographical sketches of all the key stars.
  • Full photographic content.

Title:Stars of the British Silent Screen
Author:Gary Chapman
Format:Hardback £25 ISBN 9781909230064
Format: Paperback £12.99 ISBN 9781909230071
Format: Apple e-book (Epub) £8.99 ISBN 9781909230088
Format: Amazon Kindle e-book (Mobi) £8.99 9781909230095